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Careers & Employability

Welcome to Careers and Employability at Market Field College. We have a passionate and supportive Careers and Employability Team who support our students by providing information and support linked to careers and transition.

Our Careers and Employability team is led by Hazel Govia. Hazel and the rest of the team can be contacted on 01255 441869 or by emailing

Vision Statement: Market Field School and College are committed to changing lives; affording our learners the skills, knowledge, and confidence to successfully prepare them for the opportunities and responsibilities their futures hold.

Careers and Employability is a priority to staff at Market Field School and Market Field College. We recognise that each individual should progress through their careers journey feeling supported and empowered. The design of our curriculum is destination-driven and tailored to the individual. In KS3 and KS4 students will follow the comprehensive Talentino curriculum that is specifically designed for students with SEND. At the college, students receive a quality, vocational-skills-based curriculum that includes the accredited Employability Skills qualification from City & Guilds. Our dedicated staff encourages the development of students’ skills and strengths alongside nurturing their passions.  

That’s not all, our careers programme far transcends the classroom walls! We have a comprehensive work experience programme that provides our students with real-life opportunities. It allows students to understand the relationship between classroom learning and career readiness. Our supportive community encourages resilience and our goal is to provide limitless opportunities for our students.

We work tirelessly to ensure that our careers provision is impactful and of a high standard. The Gatsby benchmarks outline what the gold standard of careers provision within education is. They are:

  1. A stable careers programme ​
  2. Learning from careers and labour market information  ​
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees 
  6. Experiences of workplaces 
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance 

We evaluate our offering against the Gatsby benchmarks, with support from The Careers and Enterprise Company every term and are beginning to regularly ask for feedback from students, staff, and parents/carers. This allows us to make informed decisions about our next steps.

The impact of the curriculum will be measured through several performance indicators going forward.

  • We track our students for three years when they leave MFC and use the destination data to measure impact. Upon leaving us in 2023, 96.9% of our students had planned destinations. An outstanding 21.9% of our students obtained paid employment! We are proud to display student outcomes that exceed the national average for students with SEND.
  • Our careers lead completes a termly evaluation on Compass+ alongside the Careers and Enterprise Company which is a clear provides a clear measure of impact. Data from this is used to create a careers strategy.
  • Attainment of the Talentino curriculum is assessed via summative and formative assessment.
  • The City & Guilds Employability Skills qualification is also used to measure students’ attainment. 
  • We will also ask for regular feedback from teachers, external stakeholders, governors, SLT, and parents/carers in the form of questionnaires. This is especially true after events such as the SEND Forward fair.
  • Students will be asked to complete the future skills questionnaire twice a year – in Autumn 1 and Summer 1.  

This information is due for review in September 2025 but will be regularly updated as the academic year progresses.